Training for professionals

Training for professionals

We're committed to delivering high-quality training that supports professionals, statutory and voluntary, working at different levels of responsibility for safeguarding children.

Training is organised in different groups to address the learning needs of staff.  We offer core and specialist training courses, learning from reviews and taster sessions.

MSCP training is free to all our partner agencies, not-for-profit organisations and charities.

We charge private businesses and academies for training in Basic Awareness in Safeguarding Children and Intermediate Safeguarding Children Training. Full day training costs £100 face to face. You will be charged if you do not attend training you have booked with us. 

A child with parent.

Book an MSCP e-learning training course

Our comprehensive training courses support learning in respect of local and national current safeguarding priorities.

Worried about a child?

You can report a child safeguarding concern to Medway children’s services online.


If you think a child is at immediate risk of harm phone:

01634 334 466 (Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm) or 03000 419 191 (out of hours)

In an emergency phone: 999